Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Hey Everyone!
Long time no talk. How have you been? Lately i've been very busy. I just wanted to keep you updated with what's going on with Ace & Aqua! Lately i've been working on character turnarounds. I have Ace with and without his eskimo suit on, I have aqua's new design done, and I have 2 characters named Beck and April done. I just have to make the turn around for a squirrel and a delivery man. I really love the designs I have, but Im sure when I bring it into flash and clean it up, the turn around's will look much much better. What's that image above? Be on the look out for aqua's design.. I'll be showing piece by piece, and that piece is his BUTT! Its BUTT-IFUL! Well what have I been doing lately besides character turnarounds? I've been cutting the audio from the voice recording. Trust me, you never want to cut audio. I cut around 1050 different audio tracks because I've had anywhere from 3 takes for a line, to 25 takes for a line. I obviously had to choose my favorite out of the takes, so there really isn't 1050 lines of audio. I also have finished the rough storyboard of the short. It looks very rough, and the characters are pretty much off model the entire time.. thats why Its a rough. I printed out a storyboard with 2 boxes per page and am going to make this the final board so that I can start working on the animatic. I cant post up the rough storyboard just yet, but hey, you get a nice butt to look at! Well guys, there will be more posts soon on Ace & Aqua! Stay tuned! Oh yea, and I have backgrounds being worked on.
- Jeaux Janovsky had this to say:
That's just hilarious. butt always makes me giggle.
great job steve!
great to hear you've been busy.